Dryer performance diagnosis tools

  • Pressure drop of the flash dryer system

    The following tool is a tutorial for calculating the pressure difference across the flash dryer fan (or blower) terminals using a U-tube manometer.
  • Tool to estimate the energy-efficiency of existing flash dryers

    The goal of this diagnostic tool is to offer the possibility to processors and builders to estimate the specifications and efficiency performance of their flash dryer, pointing out especially the locations of underperformances and options to improve.
  • Quality Standards For Cassava Flour

    The following flow chart summarizes the requirements and quality parameters for processing cassava flour using flash drying technology. This is not a diagnostic tool but represents important parameters to take into account in the cassava flour extraction process.
  • Tool for measuring the dry matter of fresh cassava roots

    This tool calculates the percentage of dry matter in fresh cassava roots, based on measurement of their density. To do this, it is necessary to record the exact weight of a sample of cassava roots in air (approximately 5 kg), then the weight of this same sample submerged in water.